We went to Portrait Innovations for Mena's one year pictures. They did a great job!
Doesn't she just look adorable? And aren't those little toes cute?
Mena had her one year check up at the doctor this week. She is 30 1/2 inches tall (90%), weighs 21 pounds 14 ounces (50-75%), and her head is 18 1/4 inches (75-90%). All that looks great. Her language development is great, also. Her physical development isn't where the pediatrician would like it to be. Her large motor skills are those of about a 10 month old. We go back to the doctor in one month at which time the pediatrician wants to see her either crawling on her hands and knees or up walking next to furniture. If she doesn't make one of those milestones then we'll be looking at taking her to a physical therapist or occupational therapist. We knew she was slightly behind since her development had slowed during the issues with her constipation and had hoped that she'd catch up by now. Gene and I discussed what would be best for Mena and we decided that large group care wasn't working in Mena's best interest. I gave my 2 week notice at St. Mark's Preschool and KIDZONE. Beginning October 1st, I will be home all day with Mena and will be able to give her the one-on-one attention that she needs at this time.
Constipation seems to be a part of Mena's past now. The pediatrician gave us the go ahead to feed her everything you would feed a normal 1 year old. She's very excited to be eating all the new foods. We went to Burger King and Mena LOVED eating french fries!