Mena is now 20 months old. You can kind of see in these 2 pictures that I've trimmed her bangs. We havn't touched the rest of her hair with scissors yet. She weighs 27.5 pounds. No new teeth this month. She's still wearing size 2 tops and we've now moved her into the 24 month pants and shorts. The 18 month pants weren't long enough to be pants but weren't short enough to be capri's either. Thank goodness for adjustable waistbands on the 24 month pants so I can get them to stay up on her.
Mena has now started using the potty chair. She's always been very calm when I changed her diapers and lately she started getting upset when it was time for a diaper change. A friend told me that could mean she was ready to start potty training. I found a potty chair on craig's list. When she wakes up in the morning and when she wakes up from nap, she'll usually go in the potty chair. Sometimes I'll be able to get her to go in the potty chair another time during the day. It's totally me catching her at the right time to go potty, but she's beginning to understand what the potty chair is for. She'll clap for herself right after she goes potty or poopy and sometimes she'll even start clapping before I do! We're excited that she's catching onto the idea, but not pushing it since she's still so young.
New cute behaviors:
**When a good song comes on (especially Rascal Flatts) she starts dancing in circles in the living room.
**Mena appears to have gotten Mommy's love of storms. She's never woke up from a storm in the night. During breakfast one morning, we had some really big lightning and thunder. At the first rumble of thunder, she gave me a quizical look. At the second rumble of thunder, she signed "more." At the third rumble of thunder, she started clapping!