Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mena's First Swimming Lesson


The evening of Mena's birthday she had her first swimming lesson.  Mena is taking swimming lessons with the daughters of my friends/previous co-workers from St. Mark's.  Tracy's daughter Kylinn used to come to my in-home daycare so Mena was excited to take swimming lessons with Ky.  Mena and Hadley had never met, but Hadley's mom Katy knew Mena from when we were co-teachers.

1 & 2--getting in the pool.
3--watching Ky and the other girl in their class go underwater.
4--Mena and Hadley going underwater.
5, 6, & 7--learning to hold onto the "dumb bells" and kick your feet.
8--Tracy holding Maggie while we watched.
9--learning to lay on her stomach in the water.  Mena doesn't like to put her face in the water.
10 & 11--learning to lay on her back in the water.  Mena doesn't really like to put any part of her head in the water!
12--listening to her teacher Jana.
13--jumping into the pool.

After swimming lessons Mena and Maggie went to their dad's house to celebrate Mena's birthday with him.
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The Rest of Mena's Birthday at Daycare


The girls enjoyed the rest of the day at Daycare until I picked them up an hour early.  The night before Mena had declared, "We haven't gone to Amigos in a long time, Mommy."  When I asked if she wanted to go for her birthday, she got very excited and yelled yes!  She was very eager to leave daycare to go out to eat!
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Birthday Cake at Daycare


I sent a Dora birthday cake to daycare and Heather had a party for the kids after naptime.
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Maggie at Daycare


These are some pictures that Heather took while Maggie was at her in-home daycare the morning of Mena's birthday.  To the right of Maggie is Keaton and to the left of Maggie is Tobias.  Maggie enjoys her time at daycare.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Morning of Mena's Birthday


Maggie woke Mena and I up around 5 am, but that wasn't so bad when Mena found out she got more gifts because it was her birthday!  The girls were too tired to do much other than watch the kids dance on her new video, but after awhile Mena woke up enough to get up and moving!  She also got a Dora puzzle, but she thinks it looks too hard so she hasn't wanted to try it yet.

Mena's 4 Year Old Checkup:  40.5 inches tall (66%), 40.6 pounds (85%), BMI 17.45 (90-95%).
She's a healthy kid!
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Playing with New Toys


The first toy that Mena wanted to play with was her dress up shoes.  I told her to put her arms out like she was on a balance beam since she was having trouble walking in her first pair of heels.  Maggie was trying to steal my camera!  Then Mena moved onto her new doll house furniture.  She wanted to show off her new tank top night shirt.  She also enjoyed playing her new games, but I didn't get any pictures of us playing them.
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New Family Picture

Our church is publishing a new picture directory.  My sister Beth took this picture of the three of us to go in the directory.  It turned out so well that I'm ordering some bigger prints to hang on the wall.