Beth Zager and I took the girls to Shakespeare on the Green last night. We saw Twelfth Night, one of Shakespeare's comedies. When we got into Omaha Maggie asked, "Is we here?" I smiled since it was her first "Are we there yet?" I told her we were almost there. Mena walked into the park and immediately remembered last year's play and the fight the characters got into and one of them falling down the stairs. There were no fights in this one and she enjoyed it much more. They used popular songs in the play. Maggie and Mena enjoyed dancing to the songs. It's a great play and I was able to follow the plot line much easier since I've seen it before.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Shakespeare on the Green
Beth Zager and I took the girls to Shakespeare on the Green last night. We saw Twelfth Night, one of Shakespeare's comedies. When we got into Omaha Maggie asked, "Is we here?" I smiled since it was her first "Are we there yet?" I told her we were almost there. Mena walked into the park and immediately remembered last year's play and the fight the characters got into and one of them falling down the stairs. There were no fights in this one and she enjoyed it much more. They used popular songs in the play. Maggie and Mena enjoyed dancing to the songs. It's a great play and I was able to follow the plot line much easier since I've seen it before.
Monday, June 17, 2013
I've been riding my bike a lot and am up to 12 mile routes. Today, my wheel went off the path, I lost my balance, and down I fell. My scratches weren't that bad and after I put the chain back on my bike, I was able to ride home. That night I wanted to put neosporin on my hand but I didn't have a band-aid big enough in the house. I used a gauze pad and tape to hold it on. Maggie looked at my hand and said, "Don't touch me that hand, Mommy!"
Sunday, June 16, 2013
You Are My Sunshine
The girls and I went with my mom to visit Grandma Olson in Fremont. While there Maggie sang "You Are My Sunshine." You can see Maggie's little ponytail in the video. Her hair is getting longer!
2-Wheel Bike
Mena's been eye-ing the bike in the garage that my brother-in-law, Jon, had passed onto us from his family. I took it with us back to visit my parents for Father's Day. My dad put on the training wheels that I'd purchased. Mena was nervous and wanted to get off. I told her if she would ride her bike from Grandpa and Grandma's house to the neighbor's house and back that I would give her an M&M. She did it!! She was so excited when she got started (pic 1). Maggie was helping her get started again after I helped her turn around in the neighbor's driveway (pic 2). Mena looked over to see Grandma and Grandpa cheering for her as she came back to their driveway (pic 3).
Baby at Grandma's
Spelling Mena's Name
Mena spelled her name with the stuffed letters at Grandma's house. She did her first name all by herself. Grandma and I helped her sound out her last name. Then after I'd taken the picture, Mena said she wanted to spell her middle name, too. Grandma and I helped her sound it out. We had to use a magnetic "E" since there weren't any more stuffed ones. She was so proud of herself and so were Grandma and I!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Mid-Week Day Off -- Capitol Building
After I took Maggie to daycare, Mena and I went to the state capitol building. She's been asking me what that tall building is on the way to church each Sunday and said she wanted to go see it. We looked at all the pictures and sculptures of people's heads on 2nd floor. She enjoyed looking over the railing on 3rd floor down onto 2nd floor. I was looking at the mosaics and she was watching the people. On 1st floor she looked in the gift shop but got bored and wanted to look at something else. I was glad she didn't ask me to buy anything! Then we took the elevator to the 14th floor so we could look out on the city. She asked me to lift her up so she could look out from all 4 sides of the building. We found our truck and it looked really small from way up there!
On the way back we stopped at the garden beside the zoo. She wanted to climb the water fountain, but I told her while she wasn't allowed to climb it, we could go see it. I asked her if she thought the water would be hot or cold. It was 90 degrees outside and she guessed the water would be hot. She was surprised that it was cold.
Mid-Week Day Off -- Lincoln Zoo
My instructor gave us the day off from class and I was caught up on my homework, so I kept the girls home with me. We made waffles for breakfast. Then we went to the Lincoln Children's Zoo. The girls were so excited for a Mommy Day! We went to Amigos for lunch. Maggie was wiped out so I took her to daycare to take her nap at 12:45 pm.
Maggie has gotten tired of her sunglasses falling off her face so she's letting me put them on the correct way. She does try to put them on right side up now, but she puts the ear pieces over the middle of the ear instead of on top of the ear. I correct the ear pieces and she wears them happily without them falling off any more.
Monday, June 3, 2013
New Summer Jammies
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Spending the Night

Beth and I planned for Mena to spend the night at their house after we celebrated my mom's 60th birthday. Mena spent all week telling me she wasn't going to Aunt Beth's house, but I packed a bag just in case she changed her mind. Once she saw Peyton, Ty, and Beth, she decided she did want to spend the night with her cousins. She had a blast and had lots to tell me about when she came home!
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