Friday, July 30, 2021

Swim Lessons Level 3/4

Maggie passed level 3 this week and Mena is now level 3.5
Mena is doing the crawl stroke without the safety belt and Maggie is learning the breast stroke.  Maggie is also treading water for 60 seconds now.


Thursday, July 29, 2021

Lancaster County Fair - 4H awards

Philomena earned a purple ribbon for her photo of Chimney Rock.  She earned red ribbons for her brownies and her pillowcase.  Maggie earned a blue ribbon for her lemon cookies.


Sunday, July 18, 2021

VBS at First UMC

The girls were nervous to go to VBS due to the fact that they haven't gotten to know very many kids at our new church.  Philomena helped with the youngest class.  Maggie participated in the oldest class.  I helped wherever Charity needed me each night.  They each made a good friend near their age the first night and are looking forward to church each week now!


Monday, July 12, 2021

Maggie's New Glasses

We discovered that Maggie needs reading glasses.  She's excited for her first pair of glasses!


Friday, July 2, 2021

NE Passport to Red Cloud and to Rock Creek Station

We made a day trip to Willa Cather's childhood home and to Rock Creek Station.  We also stopped at a couple small shops that were in the NE Passport.