Saturday, February 25, 2023

February Birthday Party

We celebrated Beth, Peyton, and Jake having February birthdays.  Everyone had a great time hanging out together.  Maggie got bored with the people and laid down on the floor with Peg's new cat, Gypsy.


Thursday, February 23, 2023

4H Awards Ceremony

The girls each earned their 3 year membership pins.  Rabbits R Us, the club the girls were members of, earned an excellence award.  We were glad we went, but woah, it was a lot longer than we anticipated!  We left after an hour and a half when they got their awards.  It was a school night so a little crazy to be out later.


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our tradition is that I make a heart shaped pizza for dinner.  I had already baked the crust when I realized that I'd forgotten to shape the crust.  So I improvised and used a cookie cutter to make heart shaped pieces for each of us.  I also gave them each a pair of hoop earrings with screw on backs so they can't fall out.  We celebrated the Saturday before because they would be at their dad's on Valentine's Day.


Maggie's Bedroom

We sold Maggie's loft bed and she took the bookcase headboard that I used to have in my bedroom.  We brought the metal desk upstairs for her to use.  She's rearranged a bit since this picture was taken but she's really liking sleeping nearer to the floor and she's getting used to the smaller desk.


Thursday, February 9, 2023

Those Darn Shades!

Philomena was home sick by herself.  When I went on plan time, I received a phone call telling me that she couldn't get the shade to go back up.  She'd pulled it so far out that it started coming off the left side of the roll!  These cheap shades are not easy to use!! hahahaha


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Goodbye Harbor; Hello Waterford

This picture was taken of my mom and dad when they had a going away party for him at Harbor Senior Care on January 31st.  Dad is now at Waterford Memory Care facility.  It's a lot cheaper, gives him his own bedroom, and has a lot more room for him to walk around with his walker.  At first the move to Waterford was stressful due to the number of times he was falling, but as the staff got to know him and hospice got safety measures set up for the facility, things have improved.  As of March 2023, Dad is starting to show some balance and motor improvements in walking with a wheeled walker now that he has more room to practice.  Cognitively, he's also starting to improve but with vascular brain disease we just don't know when he'll take another downturn in his thinking or moving abilities.  So we're thankful for what we have.  The girls and I continue to visit him on Sundays when they return to my house and on Saturdays at the end of my week with the girls.