Tuesday, September 24, 2024

New Guinea Pigs!

I had said we were just going to stick with one guinea pig, Desdemona, after Emilia and Coco had died.  Then another 4H mom emailed the group stating that she needed to find another home for their 2 guinea pigs.  I found a modular cage and set it up to fit 3 guinea pigs in our living room.  Brownie has the rosettes that make her first stand up (right side of the last picture) and Lilac has short fur (left side of the last picture).  It was quite the ordeal introducing them to each other.  Lilac got along with Desdemona but Desdemona and Brownie starting fighting to determine who would be "top pig."  We had to separate them.  It took a couple days of being near each other but not able to touch each other, before they could share the big cage peacefully.  I was worried for the first couple of days about what I'd gotten myself into, but they all get along well now!


Friday, September 20, 2024

Homecoming Dance

Philomena asked Jess and me to help her get ready for Homecoming.  Jess came to my house to help with her hair and makeup.  I was able to show Philomena a few tricks for thick hair so it would hold the curls and have the bun stay upright.  She drove herself to the dance so she was able to leave when she was ready to without waiting for me to come pick her up.  That worked out nice because she had to be up early for band the next morning.


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Marching Band - Homecoming Game

The Homecoming football game was on Thursday night and the Homecoming Dance was on Friday night this year.  It made getting ready for each much easier!


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Youth Group - Escape Room

The Youth Group went to the Escape Room on Sunday evening.  The group that Philomena and Maggie were in was able to beat the time on the game and won!


Friday, September 13, 2024

Philomena - Friends Birthday Party

Philomena's birthday was on Wednesday and mine was on Friday.  She asked if we could trade birthdays so she could have the Friday evening to celebrate with friends.  I laughed but agreed.  She had 2 new friends over for the evening (Adabella in the green shirt and Rebecca in the orange shirt). She also had Riley (in the gray shirt) over to spend the night.  It was a good chance to meet these new friends and the parents of Rebecca.  Riley's mom, Carrie, spent the evening hanging out with me, but went back to Beatrice to sleep.  There was lots of laughter and fun had by the girls.  Riley and Philomena enjoyed the time to catch up after the new friends left.  I'm glad Carrie and I have been able to get the girls together periodically since they moved!


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Philomena - Organizing the Youth Center Kitchen

While other kids at youth group are playing games or doing an art project, Philomena enjoys cleaning and organizing.  Her efforts are appreciated by Pastor Jay!