Saturday, November 30, 2024

School Pictures

We all took great school pictures this fall!


Friday, November 29, 2024

Annual Family Christmas Picture

My little ball of fire kept things interesting as usual.


Monday, November 25, 2024

Lincoln Zoo Lights

The Lincoln Zoo Lights had a sensory friendly evening.  We got tickets through the Autism Society of Nebraska.  It was so enjoyable with less people and spaced entry to keep the lines short.  We enjoyed a train ride, seeing all the lights, seeing some of the animals more active due to it being night time, and hot cocoa with a cookie.  I'm really glad the society let me get 4 tickets so we could include mom with our evening.


Sunday, November 24, 2024

Happy Birthday, Maggie!

We celebrated Maggie's birthday by going to Applebee's after church on Sunday when the girls came back to my house.  We enjoyed a nice lunch and some shopping.  She picked out tennis shoes and boots at Famous Footwear.


Saturday, November 16, 2024

Happy Birthday, Maggie!!

Maggie chose pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream for her bday dinner.  She enjoyed receiving money for her bday.  I took her shopping and she bought tennis shoes, boots, and 4 long sleeve shirts.  The kids looked like a police line up on the wall - haha!  Arla is a great addition to the family!


Friday, November 15, 2024


Ruby came to hang out with Maggie for the evening and we went to Culver's for supper.


Monday, November 11, 2024

Veteran's Day

Maggie was given an assignment to write a thank you note to a veteran.  She chose my Uncle Eldon.

Dear Uncle Eldon,
I'm not going to speak of sacrifice because you already made the ultimate sacrifice when you joined the military, but I will say thank you for coming back home, for being in our family, and for answering my questions about the military.
Lots of Love,
Maggie your great-neice


Saturday, November 2, 2024

New Hair Cut!

Marching band season is over so Philomena could cut her hair short.  She'll grow it out for the next year so she can put it up under her hat again next year.