The first picture is of Mena giving Duncan back his binkie. I really thought she'd pop it into her mouth but she doesn't! The second picture is of Mena and Duncan enjoying their morning together.
The last picture is of Mena sitting in the bumbo. The bumbo seat was upstairs so Duncan could sit in it, but when Duncan wasn't using it Mena got in the habit of sitting in it. This was quite the effort for her to climb in as she would put one leg in so that she was sitting on that foot, then turn herself around to face forward and then have to lean back so she could pull that foot out from under her. Then when she wanted out she had to lean forward and crawl out of it which involved a big effort to pull each leg out! I figured the exercise was good for her and never once helped her in or out despite her grunting and yelling in frustration when she got stuck midway. She was always so proud to have gotten in and out!
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