Sunday, April 11, 2010

19 Months Old

Mena is 19 months old today. Our home scale shows Mena weighs 27 pounds. She now has 12 teeth (8 front teeth and 4 molars). She's wearing size 2 tops and size 18 month pants. The nice weather has meant we could pull out some short sleeve shirts and Capri's. I've seen her tug on her shirt sleeves like she thought they weren't pulled down her arm all the way! She's also been able to go bare foot around the house and she's fascinated with her toes. She keeps signing "more" for "This Little Piggie."

Mena can now walk all over the house and she's begun picking up speed. She has also figured out how to push or pull a toy without leaning on the toy and she's rediscovered a few toys that she'd previously not shown much interest in because they wouldn't support her while walking. The physical therapist is disagreeing with the pediatrician as to how far behind Mena is in her gross and fine motor skills. The first thing the physical therapist did was give me some new activities to do with Mena to improve her balance which has resulted in her much improved walking. The next thing the physical therapist wants to do is some tests that will show what developmental age Mena's skills are putting her at. The physical therapist has agreed to come twice a month and the speech therapist is continuing to come weekly. Mena isn't speaking any new words but she's learned to sign "up" and "all done" which have both proven helpful. Mena is also starting to respond to regular phrases that we're repeating a lot, like "let's go brush your teeth" or "time to put your pajamas on." The fact that she's understanding us more is really nice.

This picture shows Mena with her new peg board. She stacked 7 pieces high for the first time so I snapped the picture.
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