Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Offutt Air Show

We drove up to Omaha on August 28th. The website said parking on Offutt Air Force Base would be crowded so they recommended we park at one of 5 locations and use their shuttle buses to come to the base. I parked at Bellevue West High School, we put Mena in her stroller to get across the parking lot to the school bus, and then to our surprise she started crying when we got her out of the stroller and tried to get her on the bus. The bus driver took the stuff that was in my hands so I could pick her up and carry her onto the bus since Gene was carrying the stroller. She shook and cried as I held her on the seat. She did stop crying but clung to me the entire ride. She got a little braver on the ride back to our car when we left. She sat up and waved at a baby sitting across from us on the ride back.

While at the Air Show, Gene took her on a pedal plane. Her feet couldn't reach the pedals so I think Gene did most of the work! We got to go inside lots of different air planes. She never once acted scared of the planes like she did the bus! It was a fun morning but when it was time for lunch I, being the pregnant mommy, decided the three of us should leave the show and go eat at an air conditioned restaurant! We ate at Burger King and then Mena took a nap in the car on the way home.

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