Sunday, March 13, 2011

30 months old (2 years 6 months)

Last Friday, Mena laid quietly in her bed for 30 minutes and hadn't fallen asleep so I let her get up. At 5 pm we drove to pick up Gene from work and go out to eat. Mena fell asleep in the car on the way to his office. She seemed to do just fine the rest of the night after her little 15 minute nap. As you can also see, Mena has moved up into the big kid booster seat since she weighs enough and is tall enough. We'll need her old carseat for Maggie in a few short months so I was glad she was big enough to move up.

Mena still weighs 31 pounds and is in size 3 tops, size 24 month pants, size 7 shoes, and size 2 undies!!!! Yep, we've started potty training. I tried leaving her in a diaper and taking her potty every hour and it didn't work. Then someone suggested undies with diapers over so she'd feel it but not leave a mess when she had an accident. That didn't really phase her. Then this weekend we tried the undies with plastic covers. She did not like the feel of her wet undies and wanted to be changed. We set the "potty timer" for 1 hour and Mena runs to the bathroom when it goes off. She's keeping her undies dry and going in the potty chair nearly every time. We're still having a few accidents but we're on our way to no more diapers!

Mena is learning lots of new words but the cutest to hear are "yep" and "nope." It's hard to be a stern parent when your toddler so cutely says "nope" when refusing to listen to her parents! Mena has also learned to recognize the letter "T" and say "T" when she finds one. I've been working on "T for Traven" and "M for Mena" but the letter M is more difficult to say so while she can find it she isn't naming the letter yet.
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