Wednesday, May 25, 2011

6 Months Old

Maggie is 27 1/4 inches long (87%), 18 pounds 10 ounces (87%), and her head is 17 5/8 inches (95%). She is all around healthy and doing everything she is supposed to do for her age. The birthmark on the back of her neck has grown a bit but the doctor said it's increased in proportion to her overall growth so there's no problem there. Her strawberry has continued to grow. The doctor measured the strawberry and reminded me that it will get bigger before it gets smaller and will be gone by the time she's 7.

Maggie got a bad drool rash. I'd called the doctor's office two weeks before and described it to the nurse. The nurse told me to go pick up an OTC medicine that would help. She said it had turned into a yeast infection. I didn't even know you could get a yeast infection on the neck. It improved but didn't go away so I took her in to see the PA the week before. She looked at Maggie's neck and said it was definitely a yeast infection and to use the OTC medicine 3x rather than 2x/day. When we went in for Maggie's 6 month check up, the doctor said it should have been gone by then so he called in a prescription. Within 24 hours the rash is gone! The doctor told me we are likely to see this rash again and again as each tooth comes in because Maggie has sensitive skin. So far I can't even feel a tooth coming in but Maggie's definitely drooling like Niagra Falls.

Maggie is wearing 3-6 month clothes.  She's drinking between 30 and 36 ounces of formula a day.  She's eating about 2 T of fruit and 2 T of veggies at each meal so the total formula is now starting to drop.  She's taking 2-3 naps a day and beginning to sleep 8:30 pm to 5:30 am each night with only one time or no times of us having to give her back the binky in the middle of the night.
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