Sunday, July 24, 2011

2 Years 10 Months

We went to a neighborhood association ice cream party and Mena got a butterfly painted on her face.

Mena is now 2 years 10 months old. Her last 2 year molar has poked through her gums. She weighs 35 pounds and is 39 inches tall. She's hit a growth spurt so the only shoes that fit are the flip flops that have room for the toes. She's now in size 4 tops and shorts. She's really thinning out and losing the toddler look. We have a little preschooler on our hands just in time for Mena to go to preschool at LPS in the ExCITE program. We received our official letter telling us that she starts school on August 22nd.

Mena is learning her ABC's when she repeats them after us. She can count on her own to 5 or 6 before she starts mixing numbers up. She's continuing to learn her colors and shapes; she knows some of each.

Mena is showing more willingness to try a few new foods. She'll at least take one bite and has discovered she likes cucumbers with salt. About once a week Mena will fall asleep in the rocking chair while watching a Barney video. On those nights she'll stay up a little later, otherwise she's going to bed between 7:30 and 8 pm and sleeping until 7 or 7:30 am.

Mena has become quite the talker when we are home alone.  So much so that on one afternoon, I posted on Facebook "OMG, she won't stop talking.  Is this what it was/is like to live with me?!"  My mom responded saying we get 3x what we gave and she was sorry to say I'd be in for a lot of talking!
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