Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Growing Girls

The girls each got new shoes and were very excited. Mena is now in a size 9 1/2. She'd worn her old tennis shoes down so I could stick my finger through the hole! Maggie also got new shoes since hers were wearing out. Maggie is still in size 5.

Maggie has also gotten 2 new teeth in the last month.  We discovered her lower right molar around the new year and then discovered the upper right molar towards the middle of the month.

Since Maggie's getting older, I let her drink some rootbeer out of my glass while we were watching tv.  She wasn't sure at first since it's the first time she's tried to drink out of a glass without a lid.  Then it hit her lips and she pulled her head back.  I lifted the glass back up to my level.  She licked her lips, discovered it tasted good, stood on her tip toes, and opened her mouth as wide as she could to reach the glass again!
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