Thursday, March 22, 2012

Maggie's Pony Tail and 15 Months Old

Maggie's hair is now long enough that it is starting to get into her eyes.  I can pull the top up into a ponytail that curls all cute on top of her head!  Here she had climbed onto the step stool in the master bathroom like she's seen Mena do each morning.

Maggie has 2 new teeth.  Her left lower molar was visible on February 6th and her left upper molar was visible on February 29th.  She's also gained the new skill of climbing onto the couch.  On February 26th, I turned around and there she was up on the couch and no one was around her.  She grinned at me so proud!

On February 24th, Maggie had her 15 month check up.  She was 32 inches tall (90%), 25 pounds 6 ounces (90-95%), and her head was 18 inches (98%).  She's continuing to be our little giant :)  She's as healthy as can be with no concerns!
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