Thursday, February 28, 2013


Mena was angry and yelling at me.  She said she wasn't mad so I snapped a picture.  I showed it to her and said, "Well, you look mad!"  She became so interested in the picture that she forgot to be mad.
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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dinner and a Movie

Peg and Jon watched my girls while I was working on a school project.  Peg commented:  You would think none of them have never seen tv before the way they are all staring! By the way....they are watching the first Thomas the Train movie!
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1 Year Anniversary


Today we celebrated 1 year of living on our own.  I wanted to make it meaningful for Mena so she and I created these "Good Job" notes to remember what was good that we learned over the last year.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Happy Birthday, Jake and Peyton!


Thankfully the snow cleared out enough so the family could make it to Lincoln.  We celebrated Jake and Peyton's birthdays in the clubhouse at my apartment complex.  Such a great facility!!
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Friday, February 22, 2013



Lots of snow outside so we stayed home from school and daycare.  Finger painting or brush painting--either way, painting is FUN!
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Home for a snow day.  Friday morning, Mena did the ABC puzzle with my help.

Friday after nap, Mena did the number puzzle with my help.

With no where to go, my girls choose to not be dressed!!

Later in the day they got dressed.  Here they pulled the couch cushions and pillows off to make a bed.
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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Knock, Knock

Mena inside the coat closet playing house.

Maggie outside the coat closet knocking for Mena to let her in.  Maggie knows how to open the door herself but was into her role of knocking to see if Mena was home! 
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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hi! I'm Outside!

The girls were playing outside while I was making supper.  They looked so cute peeking in the window at me to find out if supper was ready.
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Cherub Choir


Mena's choir sang "Awesome God" very awesomely!

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Playing Nail Salon

Gene sent me this picture of the girls playing nail salon at his house.  I'm curious where they learned you need to put your feet in the bucket since they've never gone with me when I got my nails done!

Update:  Gene told me that the girls' friend Holly showed the them.
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Friday, February 15, 2013

Funny Stories

Sometimes things make me laugh when I am home alone studying.  I finished lunch and started the dishwasher.  This reminded me that Mena calls all powders "salt."  So I just put the salt in the dishwasher.  I've told her it is soap, but she still calls it salt.

Maggie got a bit frustrated with me this morning while driving to daycare.  She told me, "Turn around, Mommy!  I wanna go Gamma's!"  I told her Grandma was going to work so we couldn't see her and she gave a disappointed "ok."

The other funny thing that Maggie did was to crawl into my bed and fall asleep on the foot of my bed.  I'm not sure how long she was there.  I woke up at 1 am and she was sound asleep by my feet.  I pulled her up by me so I wouldn't kick her and she went right back to sleep until my alarm went off.

Maggie vs the Screen Door!

Maggie ran into the screen door at Heather's house.  You can see the width of the door on her chin!  I took Maggie to the dentist.  He said that on a scale of 1 to 10 with lower being better, Maggie's loose top front right tooth is a 3.  He is confident it will firm up within a week.  She's to eat soft foods until it firms up.  She's quite the trooper.  She didn't cry much when it happened and when the dentist looked at it, she didn't cry.  She wasn't cooperative in opening her mouth but she wasn't screaming.  The dentist just pried her mouth open with his finger and tools.  I was thankful she didn't try to bite him!
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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!


On the morning of Valentine's Day, I gave the girls little bags with a doll shirt for their babies.  For supper I made a heart-shaped pizza.  I haven't made homemade pizza in months; it is so good!  The girls do so well at peeling their own oranges.
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday & Potty Training


Mena and I went to the Ash Wednesday service at church.  She let Jamie put the ashes on her forehead.  Then we each picked a stone that was supposed to remind us of the journey of the Passover.  When we got home, Mena wanted me to draw a cross on her rock like Jamie had drawn on her forehead.

Maggie enjoyed the nursery.  This particular evening Maggie stayed dry from when I picked her up from daycare at 4 pm until she went to bed.  She pottied at home when we got home.  Then while Mena was in choir practice and Maggie and I were in nursery she told me she had to go potty and she did go when I took her.  I took both girls potty before church started and she went again.  Then she pottied again when we got home.  We are full fledged potty training and very hopeful!
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