Friday, February 15, 2013

Funny Stories

Sometimes things make me laugh when I am home alone studying.  I finished lunch and started the dishwasher.  This reminded me that Mena calls all powders "salt."  So I just put the salt in the dishwasher.  I've told her it is soap, but she still calls it salt.

Maggie got a bit frustrated with me this morning while driving to daycare.  She told me, "Turn around, Mommy!  I wanna go Gamma's!"  I told her Grandma was going to work so we couldn't see her and she gave a disappointed "ok."

The other funny thing that Maggie did was to crawl into my bed and fall asleep on the foot of my bed.  I'm not sure how long she was there.  I woke up at 1 am and she was sound asleep by my feet.  I pulled her up by me so I wouldn't kick her and she went right back to sleep until my alarm went off.

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