Mena chose Amigos for lunch on Mother's Day. Gene's fiance had put the girls in very fancy dresses for Mother's Day which looked very pretty but was a bit troublesome when the girls were trying to eat their ice cream after their burritos. As soon as the girls got home, they wanted to put on clothes they could play in. Maggie took a nap and then I asked the girls if they wanted to go to the zoo to celebrate our time together on Mother's Day. I got a very excited "yes" from both of them.
Mena is able to climb onto the turtle all by herself this year and wanted me to take a picture of her. I said, "of course!" The cut outs at the zoo are a favorite and this one of the goat and lama turned out the best. They've redone the eagle's nest at the zoo and the girls were so excited to see it was open for them to climb into again. The girls are enjoying the playground this year, just like previous years, and they are better able to do all the climbing since they've grown so much this winter!
It was getting close to closing time by the time we got to the end of the zoo and the last few animals had been moved to their inside houses by the time we got there. The girls climbed up next to the river otter statue since the real river otters were no longer in the outside area. Then the girls compared their wing span to that of an eagle before we left. I really should go back through previous years and see how their wing span has grown.
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