Saturday, September 6, 2014

Children's Museum

Saturday, Sept. 6th, I told the girls we'd go to the Children's Museum without looking at a calendar.  We got downtown and it took me nearly 30 minutes to find a parking spot.  The girls were getting tired of driving around and I told them, "Well, my first plan didn't work.  So now I'm trying a second idea."  I'd worked my way up to the point where I said, "If this 4th idea doesn't work then we're just going to the mall for you to play there."  Luckily, I found a meter that allowed 90 minute parking.  It took us 15 minutes to walk to the museum so we ended up playing for an hour and then we left to get lunch.  We drove to the Arby's downtown but they had no parking so we drove up to 56th & O Street and the girls declared this was much better than the crowded downtown areas.

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