Friday, June 5, 2020

Maggie's Hair

Maggie wants her hair to grow longer.  She's struggling to keep the tangles out so she's starting to want it pulled up.  First we did a ponytail for the front part of her hair and then we switched it to a barrette so her bike helmet would fit on her.  She told me I was holding her hair like I was strangling an animal.  I laughed and asked what that meant.  She told me I was holding it too tight and pulling on her hair.  A few days later she decided she wanted Dutch braids.  I did French braids because I didn't know what Dutch braids were.  Friends on Facebook explained that Dutch goes under where French goes over.  The next day I did a Dutch braid on the left and French on the right because I needed to hurry up before she yelled at me!  It'll take some practice to do a Dutch braid but others tell me it actually holds the hair better when done tightly.

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