Monday, June 3, 2024

New Car

My Highlander was leaking fluids on Memorial Day when we celebrated Mom's birthday.  Philomena and I took the Highlander to Kelly's Auto Repair the next morning and when Kelly told me to come into the garage so he could show me what was wrong.  It needed $6,000 of repairs.  Kelly then told me, "I'm going to hose off your engine and you're going to drive to the dealership to trade this in!"  Philomena and I went to Toyota and then Honda to drive some cars and then I slept on it.  I ended up buying this 2018 Camry XLE.  It seems so fancy upgrading from a 2008 to 2018!  Also much better gas mileage going back to a Camry from an SUV.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Foot Surgery

On May 28th, after finding out I needed to buy a new car, I went to the doctor to find out what to do about the bump on my foot.  It was diagnosed as a ganglion cyst (like I had on my right hand when I was a teenager) and they were able to fit in my surgery on Friday, three days later.

Mom drove me to surgery and my co-teacher, Christina, drove my kids to their activities for the day.  Christina texted me, "Both girls have been successfully dropped off, Maggie had her spark shirt AND an entire bottle of lotion to ward off grass allergies. And Philomena had her lunch 😁." When I came out of surgery, I texted her back to say thanks and how funny Maggie is! She replied, "Haha she told me right when she got out of the house she was like, “I couldn’t find the small bottle of lotion. So I just got the whole big bottle.” I was like, “sounds good 😅” later she explained that it was because of grass allergies." After the girls had finished their days and Grandma had brought them home, Maggie told me listening to music in Christina's car. I texted Christina, "Maggie liked your music 🎶" to which Christina replied, "She requested country and when I asked what era she said, “umm like when my mom was in her 30s?” And I was like “ummm 90s country??” And she agreed to that. Haha so it was just the 90s country playlist on Spotify. 😁" I laughed so hard. How old did they think I am??

Surgery went well. Maggie and Philomena cooked over the next couple of days until they went back to their dad's house on Sunday. I was taking Advil and Tylenol to keep the pain at down. Maggie announced that she needed a swimsuit for Spark the next week so Saturday when I had just taken my Advil, Philomena drove us to Walmart. I snapped the picture laughing at how the girls had no clue how slow I was moving. They were all the way into the store before they looked back for me.

I can drive because it's my left foot in the shoe and I am healing well.