Saturday, August 27, 2011

9 Months Old

Maggie is now 9 months old. She weighs 21 pounds 10 ounces (92%), is 28 1/2 inches tall (83%), and her head is 18 1/4 inches (95%). Maggie is eating a wide variety of mashed foods but hasn't gotten the grasp of chewing anything more difficult than diced, canned pears. She's gotten two teeth on the bottom, but they aren't much help for eating yet :) So far Maggie will put toys or leaves in her mouth while playing, but she won't put finger foods in her mouth! She just plays with her food. She's taking 2 naps a day and sleeping about 9 hours at night. Maggie's in size 12 month clothing.

Maggie can move herself from laying on her stomach to sitting up and do the reverse. She can pull herself to standing and has cruised about 12 inches to the left while holding onto the furniture. No signs of crawling, but Dr. Bernhardson says that he actually sees quite a few kids that skip crawling and that they are usually the second child and just want to keep up with the big sibling.  Maggie is moving all around the room as she scoots on her bottom and moves from laying to sitting.  I don't think she's figured out how to move to a specific place to get a toy she sees, but she moves around and picks different toys from where ever she ends up in the room.  Mostly she's moving backwards as she lays on her tummy and pushes with her hands.  Then she sits up, turns herself to face whatever toy is near by and then plays there for awhile.
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