Saturday, August 6, 2011

Durham Museum

Tuesday, we went to the Durham Museum since Mena is into trains right now. When Mena woke up she found her new tennis shoes. She ran back to her bedroom and brought me one purple and one pink sock to put on her shoes. She did change out of her nightgown to go to the museum but left the non-matching socks on all day :)

Mena was scared to climb onto the first train car, but maybe she didn't want to get left out of the fun that Mommy and Maggie were having. Anyway, she got brave and climbed up with us. Then she got brave and got onto another car with Daddy and Maggie. Then she was brave enough to stay on the train herself when we got off--brave enough or maybe just too stubborn to get off when we said it was time to go bye-bye! Mena toured over 5 train cars which she found much more exciting that the George Washington Carver exhibit that Gene and I found very interesting!

We went to Burger King for lunch and stopped to visit a friend of Gene's before we left Omaha. Mena was wiped out after the busy day and fell asleep in the car.
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