Sunday, March 23, 2014

Durham Museum

The girls and I went to Omaha after church.  We ate lunch at Spaghetti Works and then visited the Durham Museum.

First stop, the trolley.  It's their favorite so we begin and end our visits with the trolley.

This is how you sleep on the caboose according to Maggie, but I am a little suspicious that someone smiling that big is not really asleep!

Mena was excited to discover that she can fasten the seat belt on the chair all by herself.

Mena helped Maggie buckle in.

On the luxury train, we sat down to relax but the girls were too full of giggles to stay in place long!

The girls are getting braver to go into the tee-pee now.

Gotta try out the rocking chairs each time we visit.  Just as good as last time!

The girls discovered they can open some of the barrels by themselves during this visit.  I'm guessing this will be a new favorite thing to repeat at our next visit.

Driving the trolley before we leave for the day.

The driver's seat twists back and forth!

So much fun but now we have to go home.

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