Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sunday School at home and Ash Wednesday Service

The girls had not seen Holly in a 9 days so Gene asked if he could keep them on a Sunday.  Since they missed Sunday School, I brought home the lesson to do that evening.  Here they are painting Jesus with the little children.

It worked out well that they spent Sunday with him, so I could take them to Ash Wednesday Service that week.  Mena walked beside me as we had the ashes placed on our foreheads.  I carried Maggie on my hip and gestured to Pastor Steve to put them on me first.  Maggie watched and then somewhat timidly let him put them on her forehead.  Then Jamie was placing anointing oil onto our palms to remind us that we are in God's hands.  Mena took the oil in stride; Maggie sat in the pew with a mystified and contemplative look on her face while staring at her palms.  Church got out late and then Maggie fell asleep in the truck on the way to her Dad's house so I didn't get a picture of the three of us like I wanted.

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