Monday, May 27, 2024

Happy Birthday, Mom/Grandma!

Memorial Day Weekend and Mom's birthday were the first holidays without Dad.  Mom's birthday fell on Memorial Day this year so we grilled hamburgers to celebrate.  Beth, Ty, Peg, Jon and Jake were there as well as me and the girls.  There were some quiet moments and some memories about Dad, but we even sang Happy Birthday to Mom in our usual tradition.

After eating, Maggie found our conversation boring (like she usually does) and without complaining brought out a game for us to play together.  She politely asked us to play and then got into the game.  She declared to Aunt Beth that she wasn't going to complain because it wasn't worth the consequences.  Beth responded, "Good!"  Later that night, I told Maggie that I was proud of how she handled herself and she said she knew Aunt Beth was proud also because she told her so.  I love seeing my children grow into people I enjoy spending time with!


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