Friday, May 10, 2024

Mickle Music Tour

Maggie is in choir at Mickle.  The choir, jazz band, and orchestra tour the elementaries that feed into Mickle in May every year to show kids what they can do with music.  I was able to be a parent driver one year for Philomena and was able to get off work this year to be a parent driver for Maggie. With Philomena's group, I had 5 kids in my car.  This year, I told Mr. Stump that I could only fit 3 kids in my car so that way I'd be less stressed with keeping track of my kids at the mall for lunch.  He actually only gave me one other student and I knew her from when Philomena had events.  She's actually in the grade between my girls and such a polite girl that it was easy for me to be responsible for her.  Maggie sang as well as she could with the allergies/cold she had going on.  The best song was when they did a Taylor Swift song and everyone was enjoying themselves.  This year they added a stop at an assisted living facility which actually had a stage and screen behind them projecting the school logo.  I think fun was had by all!


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