Sunday, January 27, 2019


The girls sang very well in church.  The first service Maggie was standing by the one boy that sings very loudly off key.  She complained about him during fellowship time so I told her to try standing somewhere else so maybe he'd not stand by her.  During the second service she stood in the back row because she knows he likes to be close to the microphone!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Maggie's Science Experiment

Maggie wanted to know what would happen if she put a can of my Diet Dr. Pepper in the freezer.  Sure wish she'd asked me first!  She said she read a book at about experiments gone bad at school & tried to blame her teacher.  I said it was her responsibility and she should not repeat experiments that went bad the first time!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Mena's Cheer Camp

Mena had Cheer Camp at Northeast High School from 8 to 10:30 am.  For this mom, it seemed like "cruel & unusual punishment" to have my daughter to NE High by 7:45 am on a Saturday!  That evening she performed at half time of the boys basketball game.  Gene and I sat with Maggie between us.  Maggie didn't seem so scared to be there as she was last year.  She asked Gene lots of questions about basketball and cheered for the teams.

Saturday, January 5, 2019


Both girls enjoyed learning how to use the Spirograph that my sisters and I used to play with.  Mena wanted to know how you "win."  I told it was art and not a game; she looked at me confused.  I guess I'm storing it in the wrong area?!

Thursday, January 3, 2019


The girls have so many Legos that I swapped the desk they were using for the table I had in my sewing area.  That's an 8 foot table full of Legos!!!  Notice that both girls are smiling for the picture but Maggie is giving a thumbs down because she thought we didn't need to take a picture.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Pheobe is beginning to learn to just lay down when I sit on the floor.  She still prefers to pounce on everybody.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year's


New Year's Eve, we hosted the party.  Peg, Jon, Jake, Mom, and Dad spent the night at our house.  On New Year's Day the kids went to their dad's house and I rearranged the basement.  The bedroom area is now empty so I can start finishing it.  The back third of the big side is my sewing/project area.  The middle third is a living room.  The front third is the girls' playroom.  I really like the new living room area so I have some place to go when each girl is watching a tv upstairs and I want a quiet area.  The girls were bummed to have a smaller playroom, but really, it is bigger than a lot of playrooms other kids have, if they even have a separate playroom from their bedroom!