Saturday, December 29, 2018


The kids keep growing!!
Maggie, Mena, Jake, Tyler, Peyton

Frye Christmas

My family celebrated Christmas the Saturday after Christmas when the girls came back to me and the rest of the family was off work.  Mena was surprised but figured her "My Life" doll was coming at this gathering because I'd bought her doll clothes and doll furniture.  I tried to tell her it was for the other dolls she had, but she figured it out and was really happy when she was right!  Maggie was excited for a suitcase for the doll she got for her birthday.  They each got a game and dresses.  I got Wonder Woman car accessories!

Friday, December 28, 2018


Pheobe liked the new bones we bought her for Christmas.  I moved the end tables to block Pheobe from getting behind the couch, but it only worked for one day before she figured out she could climb through the end tables!  I'm now letting the girls play tug-of-war with Pheobe.  Mena does really well with Pheobe.  Maggie and Pheobe are equally matched so we never know who is going to win!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve Services

We went to the Christmas Eve service at 4 pm that was geared toward families with young children.  Mena played chimes on Away in a Manger.  After service we went to Arby's for dinner.  That's become our traditional Christmas Eve dinner since it's the only restaurant still open when we get out of church when I have the girls on Christmas Eve.  Then we went back to church to help in the nursery for the 7 pm service.  I dropped the girls off to their dad at 8:30 pm.  Christmas day they were with their dad and I had lunch with my parents.  Mena emailed me on Christmas day to say she loved me which warmed my heart!

Playing with Christmas Toys

The girls set up their new doll furniture downstairs and then put together their new Lego sets.  Maggie has only worn the earrings that her ears were pierced with; she was excited to put new earrings in!

Opening Christmas Gifts

The girls were with me the days leading up to Christmas and went to their dad's at 8:30 pm on Christmas Eve.  Christmas Eve morning they opened their presents from me.  They got doll clothes and furniture, legos, earrings & earring holder, books, dresses to wear to church that day, and Kahoa sweatshirts.  One of the stocking stuffers was large clothes pins to hold the beach towels on the chairs at the pool.  I bought them a total of 16 because I thought they would also work well for when they make forts with the chairs and blankets!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Making Videos

The girls like to watch YouTube videos and they like to make their own videos.  They make videos of them getting ready for the day, videos of them playing with toys, videos of them dancing to music, and here, Mena is making a video of her watching YouTube!  

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Gingerbread Houses at Home

My preschool class did a gingerbread house fun night on the same night as Mena's piano recital.  Due to a couple kids being sick, there were some leftover supplies.  My co-workers saved them for my girls.  It was still good after we got over the flu and I went back to work.  It made for a fun Tuesday night.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

St. Paul UMC Christmas Pageant

I had the flu and then Maggie got the flu.  Mena stayed healthy and was able to be in the pageant at church.  She was a shepherd at both services when another boy declared that he was not going on stage.  She did a great job!  She spoke loud and clear so everyone could understand her part.  Maggie's fever had broken so we did allow her to go out to eat with Grandma, Papa, Mena and me.  She was mad that Gene and I would let her go to church, but her fever hadn't been gone 24 hours and we didn't want to risk other kids getting sick.


Pheobe's learned stare at me to get attention politely at times.

She loves chewing on toys in the living room on the floor and sometimes on the trampoline.

I was wrapping gifts and a roll of paper fell off the table.  Pheobe snatched it up and ran to the living room.  She had trouble getting around the rocking chair since it was so wide in her mouth.  When I took the paper back, she followed me to the kitchen and then turned her back to lay on the floor with a forlorn look on her face.