Saturday, April 23, 2016


I'd booked a site for us to go camping with my family this weekend, but due to my allergies and a sinus infection the doctor said I shouldn't go.  Pollen counts are at an 11.8 (out of 12) today.  When the doctor told me I shouldn't go, I told him I was telling my kids that he said we couldn't go.  He asked if they could read and wrote the prescription telling them "no camping."

Mena asked why the girls couldn't go with Grandma and Grandpa.  So after talking with mom, we arranged for me to bring the girls out Saturday morning and then I'll pick them back up Sunday at lunch time.  Last night the girls went to bed fairly easily knowing they got to go camping today.  Mena was up at 5:40 am and Maggie was up by 6 am!  I've never known my children to get ready so fast.  (Too bad that won't happen on a school day!!)  While I was in the shower, they even moved everything from the couch to the front porch so it was closer to being packed in the car.

When we arrived at the campground, I visited with Mom and Dad for awhile.  Maggie told me to leave!  So I went to lunch with a friend and am updating this blog since I have the day to myself.

Mena left me a picture of us roasting marshmallows so I could pretend while she was gone.

Maggie was tired when she came home.  It's been a long time since she fell asleep on me!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

One Church, One Family, One Service

The Cherub Choir sang during our first "One Church, One Family, One Service."  Instead of our usual 9 am and 10:30 am services, we had one 10 am service during which we confirmed this year's confirmation class.  We also had a Waffle Man fundraiser which was a yummy lunch for the girls and I following the service.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Maggie's Caterpillar

Again, not a piece of creativity that will save well so I took a picture.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Daniel Tiger

April 14th FINALLY arrived and we saw Daniel Tiger at the Lied Center.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Mena's Pierced Ears

I'd taken the girls to get their ears pierced on Valentine's Day, but the girls were too scared.  Mena decided she was ready so we got hers pierced while buying groceries.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Girl Scouts and Yoga

The troop was learning about Japan and practiced some yoga animal poses.