Saturday, February 13, 2010

Feeding Emmy Lou

Gene had given Emmy Lou her food that morning but she hadn't eaten it. Later in the morning, Mena crawled back by the kennel and started picking out one piece of food at a time. Emmy Lou laid down beside her and started eating out of her hand. Mena would yell at the dog if she tried to get the food out of her hand before she was ready. For the most part Emmy Lou waited patiently for her one morsel of food at a time, but about half way through the dish Emmy Lou stood up, put her snout in the dog dish and ate everything that was left in 2-3 bites. Mena was quite upset that she couldn't finish feeding her and let us know her opinion with all her yelling at the dog.

This happened a few days in a row and then Mena decided that she wanted to eat some of the food, too. She was sucking on the dog food that I pulled out of her mouth. She didn't seem turned off by the flavor and was mad that I took it away from her. Now if Emmy Lou doesn't eat her food right away we have to put the dog food up out of Mena's reach. When I work on dog tricks then I will tell Emmy Lou what to do and let Mena give her the dog treat. Everybody's happy this way.
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