Sunday, March 24, 2013

Easter Bunny Surprises


Mommy talked to the Easter Bunny to let him know that we were going to be gone on Easter weekend so he came on Palm Sunday.  Maggie really got into it this year since she understands the hide and seek aspect of the eggs.  Although, next year I think the Easter Bunny is going to hide plastic eggs because Maggie woke up to early and Mommy had to put her back to bed so the Easter Bunny could finish hiding the eggs the girls had dyed. 

Mena found Maggie's basket first and I pointed out that the butterfly sandles were too small for her.  She about started crying because she thought the Easter Bunny hadn't brought her any.  I told her to keep looking.  The picture of her smiling is when she found her basket.  The girls were both excited for their new lawn chairs to take with us when we went camping on Easter weekend.
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