Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Camping Vacation -- Platte River State Park

The girls enjoyed climbing the tall tower at Platte River State Park.  Maggie repeatedly said, "We went to the tippy top!"  We went on a short hike in the woods behind the tower.  Mena is pondering whether to go left or right with her finger on her chin.  At one point I thought Maggie was right behind me and when I turned around I saw her digging in the mud.  She was so proud of her mud pie.
No one was camping in the tepee area so the girls were able to run between them playing, "You live in that one.  I'm going to live there.  And we have dance class in here."  They could have kept playing there for an hour; if I'd known that I would have brought a book back with me to read while they played!

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