Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Parent - Teacher Conferences

Lines were long to talk to Maggie's teachers.  She was so tired that she laid on the floor to rest! haha. Some of the lines, I was near a parent that I knew so I could chat with someone, but otherwise it was boring waiting our turn.  She had good reports from all her teachers except one.  That teacher started commenting on behaviors that are classic examples of autism and ADHD.  I responded that yes, I was aware and that's why she has a 504 plan for her autism and ADHD.  That teacher responded, "Oh I didn't know that."  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?  A 504 is a legal document that she needs to follow with my child.  I emailed the coordinator that night and he said he'd talk to the teacher about reviewing who has accommodations and that the information had been supplied to the teacher in multiple ways.  Thankfully that teacher is in the minority and most of our experiences with Mickle Middle School have been really good.


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