Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Mena had her first dentist appoint on April 5th. Gene had just been to the dentist and brought home a bag of goodies so she kind of understood when we told her she was going to be going to the dentist. She was very excited to leave the house with me that morning. She was a bit nervous as we walked into the building and wouldn't leave my side in the waiting room. I went back with her and sat her in the chair. She seemed a little nervous sitting in such a big, strange chair so I distracted her by saying, "Let's take a picture to send to Daddy." She seemed to calm down after that. The dentist came in and showed her the new princess toothbrush he was going to brush her teeth with. He told her he was going to make the chair lay down like a bed so he could look into her mouth and then he pushed the button. The chair started laying back and she started screaming and crying! I had to help hold her laying down. She had a death grip on my arm but she laid down, stopped crying, and said "ah" for the dentist. He brushed her teeth, told me there were no cavities, and let her get down off the chair. The assistant brought her a bag and she turned to me excited, held up the bag, and said, "Dada." I replied, "Yes, you got a bag just like dada did when he went to the dentist!" The dentist and his assistant chuckled at how excited she was over the bag. She then took forever to pick out a tatoo. I had to finish filling out some paperwork so she played in the toy area and then was mad when I said it was time to leave. I think it went well overall and I think she'll do just fine in 6 months since we were able to hang out and get a smile before she left.

Oh, and I thought she hadn't gotten her 2 year molars yet.  They weren't there the last time I counted her teeth, but the dentist said she's only got 1 molar yet to come in.  She really never complains when teeth come in!
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