Saturday, June 25, 2011

Going on a Walk

Mena and Kylinn enjoy going on walks around the block. I put Maggie in the stroller so, of course, she stays with me. Kylinn is a speed walker and Mena likes to saunter. At first I had Mena way behind me and Ky way in front of me. Then I told Mena she had to stay in front of me. In the first picture, I stopped the stroller so both kids got a bit ahead of me, but you can see how Ky was still in front of Mena. So then I told them we could only go on a walk if they held hands. By holding hands, Mena slows Ky down a bit and Ky speeds Mena up a bit and we all stay together. A walk around the block takes about 20 minutes.
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