Wednesday, May 14, 2014

New Phone

I got a new cell phone and took this picture of Mena as my first picture with the new phone.  That night the girls and I talked about what alarms I needed to set for the next morning.  One for me at 6 am.  One for them at 6:45 am.  One for us to leave at 8 am.  I left the volume at the default setting.  Should have checked the loudness!  It scared the living daylights out of me the next morning.  It was so loud that it woke up both girls in their bedroom.  Mena came into my bedroom and asked what that noise was.  I told her it was my alarm and she told me I needed to turn it down because it woke her up!  Maggie then came in asking why it was so loud.  I told them I definitely needed to turn it down!!

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