Sunday, October 15, 2017

Vala's Pumpkin Patch

Beth, Peyton, and Tyler met Mena, Maggie, and I at Vala's Pumpkin Patch on Sunday afternoon.  I called Beth on her cell phone so we could find each other in the parking lot.  Mena was still laughing the next day when she asked, "Mom, do you remember when you were on the phone with Beth and you told her, 'Turn around!  I'm staring right at you!!' That was so funny!!!" You never know what will catch a person's funny bone :-)

Peyton and Mena were messing around trying to get each other's heads while we stood in line for the train.  Take a look at Tyler and Beth in the background of each picture.  I got pictures of the girls and me sitting on the train.  After the train ride, the kids played on the wooden train.  The boys were climbing on top while the girls were running in and out of the train.  When Ty tried to climb down, he almost stepped on another girl's head.  I asked her to go back inside so Ty could get down and told her he didn't mean to step on her.  Then I told Ty he could come down.  Then another boy told me, "I'm not one of your boys."  I laughed and told him, "No, you're not one of my boys" which got Beth and I laughing.

We rode pedal go carts which were horribly hard on my legs!  Peyton went multiple times on the one passenger trikes, but I only took my girls on the 4-wheel pedal cars once.  I felt like we were the slowest on the track since I had trouble going.  Mena tried to help pedal but her feet just reached the pedals and sometimes were falling off the pedals.  Maggie rode in the front where there were no pedals.

Mena and Maggie enjoyed the tractors, wagons, and slides in another play area.  Mena and Maggie both liked pumping water to race plastic ducks, but Maggie got bored while Mena continued to have fun.

We found the place that makes custom caramel apples.  Maggie and I ordered candy covered apples while Mena chose to order pretzel sticks covered with candy.  That was our "supper" when we got home.  I told them we had to eat at a table and not on the car ride home!

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