Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2 Months Old

Maggie is 2 months old. Her height is 23 1/2 inches (85%); she weighs 13 pounds 6 ounces (89%); and her head measures 16 inches (95-98%). The doctor was happy with her growth. Only unusual thing to come up in the visit is that Maggie has a strawberry on her left hip. Dr. Bernhardson said it would get bigger before it gets smaller, but it should be gone by the time she is 7 years old. He said it's genetic; I didn't have one but my sister Peggy had one on her neck that went away by the time she entered school.

Maggie is eating about 22-25 ounces of formula each day. She takes about 5 naps a day anywhere between 30 minutes and 3 hours. She's beginning to settle into a routine with a predictable morning nap of 1 1/2 to 2 hours and an afternoon nap that coincides with Mena's nap for 2-3 hours. Both of those naps Maggie is sleeping in her crib (top picture), but at night we can only get her to sleep in the vibrating chair. With the vibrating chair we're getting 6-7 hours of sleep which makes us very happy! I've been staying up with her until 10 pm and then Gene gets up with her at 5 am so that way we can each get 8 hours of sleep each night.

With all that eating and growing, Maggie has moved up to size 3-6 month clothes.  She's lost a lot of the newborn look.  Mostly she looks like Gene but her eyes are looking more like my eyes with the shape and eye lashes. Maggie's and my eyelashes are brown for 3/4 of the length and the tips are blond.
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