Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mena's First Hair Cut

I asked Peggy to bring her scissors to cut Mena's hair at our house. I told Mena the night before that Peggy was coming after nap time to cut her hair. She watched Peggy cut my hair a couple of weeks ago so she knew what I was talking about. First thing that morning, Mena was asking for Peggy. I reminded her that first Ruth, EHS, was coming and then after nap time Peggy would cut her hair. Ruth was barely out the door and Mena was asking "Cut? Peggy?" I reminded her again that Peggy would come after nap time. I then proceded to get lunch ready. I went to get Mena when I was done and found her in bed with her binkies. I got her out of bed and to the table. During lunch Mena asked again "Cut? Peggy?" "Yes, Peggy will cut your hair after nap." This was responded to with vigorous nodding and lots of "ya, ya, ya." Mena is very proud of her new hair cut.
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