Friday, December 23, 2011

Gone to live with Jesus

Here Mena is telling Aemilia good-bye. I'm not sure that Aemilia ever was a healthy guinea pig. She just wasn't as vocal as my other guinea pigs and she never ate fresh fruits and veggies like my other guinea pigs. Then her eating and drinking dropped way down. I took her to the vet and he said she had pneumonia. I hand fed her apple juice with the medicine and attempted to hand feed her canned pumpkin. I couldn't get her to take much of either. The night I couldn't get her to drink more than 2 ml of apple juice I knew we had to make a decision. I talked to the vet and then talked to Gene. I just didn't want Aemilia to die a slow death that we had to watch here at home.

I told Mena I was taking Aemilia to the vet and he was going to send her to live with Jesus since she was so sick. Jesus would take care of her. Mena responded, "With Grandma Frye with Jesus?" I said, "My Grandma Frye, your Great-grandma Frye, is in heaven with Jesus." "She take care of Aemilia?" I may have lied to Mena, but I said, "Yes, Great-grandma Frye will help Jesus take care of Aemilia since she is sick." "Where is Jesus?" "In heaven" "Where is heaven?" "A long ways away." "oh." So hopefully Grandma Frye isn't cringing too much in heaven over us sending her a guinea pig! When I got my first guinea pig she told me I couldn't bring "that rodent" into her house :)
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