Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mena, the Photographer!

I've taught Mena how to use my digital camera.  She's getting pretty good at it; this picture turned out really well.  There are other pictures I've deleted where heads have been cut off or it was a close up of the floor, etc.

Other Mena news:
Mena floated on her back all by herself for the first time on November 27, 2012.  She looks forward to swimming lessons each week!

Mena didn't want to get dressed the morning of December 4, 2012.  First, she refused to change her underwear and she'd already worn this pair for 2 days.  She's going through a phase where she thinks she only needs to change undies when she takes a bath twice a week.  This is following a stage where she thought she needed to change undies every morning and every night.  So we called Mom and asked, "Grandma, do you change your underwear every day?"  It worked as far as Mena took off her undies.  Then Mena decided she wasn't getting dressed.  I got her teeth and hair brushed and then told her it was time to leave.  She was standing there butt-naked.  She did choose to put a coat on so her bottom was covered.  Then she wanted me to carry her since she had bare feet.  I told her she had to walk.  Half way to the truck Mena said, "Mom, I'm cold."  I asked, "Are you ready to put some clothes on?"  She said yes.  I dressed her in the garage and then she put her socks and shoes on while I drove to Heather's.  Every morning since then she's chosen to get dressed!
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