Thursday, June 27, 2019

Shakespeare on the Green - Hamlet

Mena heard me talking to another adult about how I haven't seen a tragedy since I started taking the kids to Shakespeare on the Green.  I've only taken them to the comedy and I never wanted to go by myself to the tragedy.  Mena said she'd go with me to see the other play.  I explained what a tragedy was and she said she'd be fine with everyone dying at the end.  Mena wanted it to be just us, but then Beth said she planned to go to Hamlet with her husband who wasn't thrilled.  So then the plan was for us 3 which Mena was fine with.  Then Maggie was feeling left out.  I told Maggie I was worried because she's so sensitive and I wasn't sure how she'd handle all the deaths.  She replied, "Mommy, I may need you to remind me that it's pretend, but I'll be fine."  So the four of us went to see Hamlet.  This is the back of my new t-shirt which just makes me laugh when I read it!  The girls didn't "get it" until I explained it but anyone who is familiar with Shakespeare has laughed when they read my shirt.

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