Wednesday, March 25, 2020


I sewed an apron to use in my classroom when we go back into the school for class.  Maggie wanted to sew a pillow cover using the pattern from her workshop.  

I was trying to clean up the kitchen and do the dishes.  Maggie wanted to sew RIGHT NOW and was mad that the pins weren't staying in the fabric for her!  I needed to show her how to poke it back up to hold it in place, but first I needed some Diet Dr. Pepper to help my patience as I balanced being a stay at home mom/teacher!

Later I was showing her how to iron the seam so it would be easier to sew.  She got me with the iron.  You can see the steam hole where it didn't burn my arm; thankfully we didn't have any water in the iron.  I used lavender essential oil and it never blistered!  It healed nicely.

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