Friday, September 20, 2013

Union Plaza--Take 2!

Friday, I packed a picnic supper before picking the girls up from daycare.  We returned to Union Plaza to see the half that we missed when it started raining on Monday.  Mena noticed the ducks and decided to eat her sandwich with only bread on the bottom.  The top of her bun she saved for the ducks.  Here the ducks are eating the bread right before Maggie yelled out in excitement and scared the ducks away!

Mena walking under the bridge.

Maggie:  Take a picture of me and my rocks, Mom!

Maggie walking on the wall so bravely.

Mena decided to start picking up trash while we were walking around the park.  She found a Kohl's bag and we used it to hold the trash.

Mena walking bravely on the wall.

Mena sitting on one of the stone balls that lined the edge of the parking lot.
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