Saturday, August 27, 2011

2 Years 11 Months

Mena is one month away from turning 3 years old. It's hard to believe how fast the last 3 years have gone for us! Mena now weighs 35.4 pounds. Mena is continuing to do fine with no naps, but we've decided to reintroduce naps when she starts school. We anticipate that ExCite will tire her out more since there will be so many new experiences. Mena is wearing size 4 tops and shorts. She is now in size 9 shoes.

Mena was so excited when I showed her this teeter totter that I found on craig's list. When we got it home she was so excited to try it out. Then she got on it and freaked out when she realized how hard it was to keep her balance on it. I'm hoping it will help her improve her balance, but we'll see if she'll use it for more than 3 seconds at a time.

This month was the end of Mena's visits from Ruth (Early Head Start) and Dianne (LPS teacher) since Mena will be starting ExCite later in the month. I don't think she understood when I told her to tell them goodbye that she wasn't going to see them again, but with the excitement of school starting she hasn't asked about them so she should make a smooth transition between home based services and school based services.
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