Saturday, August 6, 2011

Maggie Enjoys the Pool

Maggie enjoyed cooling off in the pool. Most of the time she was interested in what she could play with (spray bottle, boats, shovels, buckets) but towards the end, she discovered she could kick her feet. The water makes it harder for her to keep her balance so I sat beside her the whole time. At one point I moved her from between my legs to sit beside me so she could see Mena outside the pool. Maggie grabbed onto the edge of the pool and pulled herself up on her knees. Gene and I didn't know that she could do this! We brought her inside and sat her next to a little table. She pulled herself up on her knees there, too! We're getting really close to her crawling but in some ways we wonder if she'll just skip crawling and walking and just go straight to running!!
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