Sunday, March 6, 2011

3 Months Old!

Maggie is now 3 months old. She's eating around 25 ounces each day. She takes between 3 and 5 naps a day with each of those varying from 30 minutes to 3 hours. At night she takes her last bottle around 9:30 pm, is in bed by 10 pm, and then sleeps until 5 or 5:30 am. During the week, I'm staying up with her at night and then Gene's getting up at 5 to get ready for work and takes care of her so I can sleep until 6:30 am. We're thrilled she's sleeping 7 hours at night for us. Maggie has been in her 3-6 month clothes for a month now. She weighs 15 pounds. Maggie is much more willing to do tummy time now that she's got Mena and Traven to watch--those crazy kids keep her attention and motivate her! I worry that Maggie will have a developmental delay like Mena but so far her development is right on track with where it should be so we are thankful for that!

Maggie laughed for the first time this month.  I was singing "The Wheels on the Bus" with Maggie and when I sang "the babies on the bus go giggle, giggle, giggle" I tickled her tummy and she let out a little laugh!
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