Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bedtime Binkie-Free

Mena is now binkie free. One day while she wasn't looking I snipped the end off the binkie. When she found it she brought it to me and said, "broke." I asked if she wanted to keep it or throw it away. She threw it away. A couple times she asked, "new?" but I told her that was the last binkie and there were no more. She seemed ok with it. She took a look at Maggie's binkie later that day but I reminded her that it was Maggie's and not hers. She seemed to understand since it looked different than her binkies. The only adjustment we've noticed is that she is not a quiet kid in bed anymore since the binkie isn't plugging her mouth any more :) We've started reading bedtime stories in bed to help her calm down and we're working on adjusting her naps so she'll be more ready for bed at night. Her bedtime is 8 pm but some nights she's staying awake in her bed until 9 or 10 pm.
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